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Table 1 Percutaneous interventional disc procedures (Santiago et al. [75])

From: Interventional non-operative management of low back and neck pain




Thermal decompression

Percutaneous laser decompression

Laser energy vaporizes a small volume of nucleus pulposus

Intradiscal electrothermal therapy

Flexible thermal resistive coil (electrode or catheter) coagulates the disc tissue with radiant heat

Intervertebral disc nucleoplasty

Bipolar radiofrequency energy causes molecular dissociation and dissolves nuclear material

Mechanical decompression

Automated percutaneous lumbar discectomy

Pneumatically driven suction-cutting probe

Percutaneous disc decompression

Mechanical high rotation per minute device with spiral tips or metallic laminae or water-driven suction-cutting probe

Percutaneous discectomy

Herniotome extracts hernia or portion of the hernia to decrease pressure on the nerve root

Chemical decompression


Gelified ethanol causes dehydration of nucleus pulposus

Ozone therapy

Ozone’s chemical properties and the reaction of hydroxyl radical with carbohydrates and amino acids leads to breakdown of nucleus pulposus

Biomaterial implantation “regenerative injection treatment (RIT)”

Hydrogel, platelet-rich plasma, and stem cell therapy

Aim: intervertebral disc regeneration